Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So I had my first German Easter this weekend. It was a little different from normal but not really in any way that I had expected. Basically that makes it just like everything else here that's different from home. The main differences that I noticed would have to be: 1. we did not sing "Christ the LORD is Risen Today" and 2. the service wasn't all that celebratory. Other than that it was fairly normal. They even have their own version of our little "The LORD is risen!....The LORD is risen indeed!" saying. Or at least I think that's what it was. I can't really be sure though.

I was in Gießen for the weekend and a good weekend it was. I did absolutely nothing, which is to say it was about like all the other weekends I have here. I've gotten to the point, however, where a weekend like that can still be called good and that's a good feeling. On sunday morning I was sitting in church waiting for it to start and an older couple sat down next to me. We got to talking and I find out that he's an animal nutritionist who lives just outside of town and works with all the local farmers. He invited me to come out sometime and visit the farms and see agriculture around Gießen. I didn't have time on that visit but next time I go back I certainly will make it. What I would have given to meet him the first month I was here!

The big news of the week, however, has to be that my resolve finally broke. I had been cracking for a while but last thursday I finally trimmed my beard. I have been cold ever since and these are nice, warm spring days. People keep asking me why I did it and, to be honest, right now I'm asking why I didn't do it sooner. I'm glad I didn't if only for the warmth factor but it's so nice not to have to take care of it all the time.

Work here continues on about the same. We finally finished planting and we only have 15 pigs left so soon it will change slightly but not that much. Samuel keeps demanding more of my attention. He likes spending time in my room and he likes playing with (read: destroying) things. His favorite are electrical gadgets (iPod, camera...) but fortunately I've managed to keep his hands off of those. I have a hard time disciplining him when we can't really communicate and his dad doesn't really do much either so it gets a little out of control at times. I know divorce is horrible for the children but it certainly is nice to be able to send him away every other week.

All in all my time here in Germany has been a wonderful experience. That said, it is very nice to think about having our spring retreat in a week and a half which means that the second term is half over. I've enjoyed it here but this isn't my home. I'm sure July will come too soon when it does but right now, I'm ready for it to come.

Love and warmth

Monday, April 03, 2006

So I've been here a few months, I have a few left to go. Time has really ceased to mean much to me anymore. At first, the days went slowly but the weeks flew (is that really how it's spelled?) bye. Now the days fly and the weeks crawl. It's kinda weird and I've given up trying to figgure it out. What's even harder to grasp, though, is that I'm 1/3 done here in Weierhof. Soon I'll be home and almost instantly after that I'll be at school.

So, aside from the random ramblings. Work here is going really well. We're in a bit of a holding pattern right now waiting for the feilds to dry out so we can start planting. Normally they would be almost done right now but apparently it's been really odd weather for this time of year. We're doing a lot of stuff right now that's never important enough to get done when there's other stuff to do. Two weeks ago Ortwin discovered my computer skills (so far I haven't fixed any of his computer problems. He solved one on his own after I had given up on it, though) and last week he let me start doing some mechanical work (like dissambeling and greasing the whole 3-point assembly on the big tractor). We've been doing a lot of that kind of stuff. That and cleaning. As often as I clean the kitchen you would think it would radiate light by now, but, alas, there are four young children in the house half the time so...no such luck. We've also been cleaning outside which I don't think has been done for a few (read many) years. So it's been good.

To quote from the Hamfast in The Lord of the Rings, "All's well that ends better." All in all, this is turning out to be a pretty good ending to the year. Even though the year isn't all that close to ending yet.

Peace and Love